Sunday, January 10, 2016

Christmas. New Years.

Let's rewind to Christmas Eve. I was fortunate enough to spend Christmas Eve with T and his family. It was rather relaxing, with a bit of family drama. But who isn't going to have family drama when there's 30 people under one roof. We came home late and were super lucky (a Christmas miracle one could call it) to find a spot right across the street from our apartment. We promptly passed out, and woke up the next morning to go to my family's house for Christmas day. We kept it very small this year, it was just my family, and my aunt and uncle came over. We left relatively earlier than we normally do, due to the fact that I wasn't feeling, and we had a lot of things that we still needed to do, like pack, due to leaving for Ireland the next day. We left my car by my parents since they were going to drive us to the airport the next day.

Saturday was quite hectic, there was so much that still needed to be done, we needed to clean the apartment, make sure that we threw out everything, and that we were packed for a week. I was stressed, I'm always stressed before leaving for a vacation, but even more so now because we have an apartment and we hadn't received our rent statement and we weren't coming back till the 2nd. Stressed out beyond belief, let me tell you. I left T to clean the apartment while I ran other errands at around the neighborhood.

My mom came and took us to the airport where we met up with T's brother J. He was really excited, it's his first vacation out of the US. We weren't sitting next to each other, even though we had picked our seats and we were supposed to. I don't know what happened. But it was quite annoying.  Aer Lingus seats however are very comfortable, and we the food was quite tasty for airplane food. The flight was smooth with no turbulence, thank god for that.

The trip itself was not quite as relaxing as I hoped it would be. We were at the hands of his sister the whole entire trip, who would get very upset if people didn't want to do what she wanted to do. Mind you, I've already been to Ireland, so there isn't much I didn't see. J and I realized that we cannot go on a vacation like this with K and D. T defended D saying that he's been on a vacation with him before. But we were like, "it's K and D together" although I think any vacation with K is just going to be a battle of the wills because she refuses to be wrong.

We had a pleasant, and very relaxing New Years Eve.  We didn't get to the thing that K wanted to do because the tickets were all sold out, so instead we found a pub and just sat there till the "ball" dropped. I've noticed that outside of America, their idea of New Years isn't quite as elaborate as ours. This is my second New Years out, and the first was in Paris, which was just anti-climactic because I thought there were going to be fireworks, but there weren't any. Boo. This time around I knew what to expect.

I told T when we got home, that I was going to need a vacation. Like a real vacation, only because there was so much on the go that I didn't really have time to relax. At least we have mid-winter break coming up. Whoo.

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