Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Moving In

T and I finally, finally, finally, found our apartment. It's a little more than we had intended to spend, but I think for the amount of space we get, we weren't going to find a better deal. Parking is going to be a little hard, but I think it'll be alright and we'll just get used to walking a few blocks every night. Luckily I'm only working night school 2 days a week, and won't have to worry about parking 3 days a week. T on the other hand is going to have to look for parking 4 days a week. I'm going to put our name on the waiting list for the garage, and if they get up to us by before our lease is up, I might just bite the bullet and say that we need it!

We'd be looking all summer for a place, and while the prices were good, the amount of space we were getting was not. people were calling these one bedrooms, but the room was the size of a shoebox, and the only person that could fit in the living room/ kitchen was one person. NO THANK YOU. Our place has a huge kitchen, with a separate eat in kitchen area, or an office space, a very spacious living room, normal sized bathroom, and the bedroom is can easily fit a king. We also have 3 huge closets, and 2 linen sized closets. I cannot wait to decorate. It might just take a while since the upfront cost was so high.

I'm excited to move in together. After 2 years, it felt like the next step in our relationship. I haven't even started to think about packing, or what I'm bringing with me really. And then there's the added expense of what else do we need to buy? We need a couch, and possibly a dining room set, plates, pots and pans, utensils. There's just so much I hadn't even though about. And then there is the dreaded "what if we hate each other" thought that pops into my head every now and again. We just signed a 2 year lease, I don't want to break that. But if we're miserable together, then what? I know that's a terrible thing to think because it's like putting a bad omen on the place, but on the other hand I also think it's cold feet. This is a big decision for us. We've both never lived with a significant other, and there are so many things that could go wrong. There are also a lot of things that can and will go right. I need to start focusing on things that can go right!

On the downside, I'm currently sick. I've had a terrible headache for the past few days, and they're all do to sinuses. I'm telling you, if I could sleep in the bathroom with the warm water running on my face the whole night, I would. The minute I stepped out of the shower yesterday everything closed right back up. It was the worst feeling I've encountered in a while. I keep blowing my nose and washing my hands, but I'm definitely going to get a student sick.